Teaching and Coaching

Mary-250pxMary Allen is available for one-on-one writing coaching.  She also teaches regularly in the Iowa Summer Writing Festival and in many other venues.  For information on upcoming classes, including a monthly spiritual writing class in Iowa City, send an email to awakeinthedreamhouse@gmail.com.

A student, Kim Herzog, comments on Mary Allen’s teaching:

“Mary Allen put twelve strangers in a room, and in two days created a positive, healthy, safe and collaborative environment that pulled the group into a cohesive, supportive, encouraged group of writers.”

Mary Allen has spoken and written widely about issues affecting writers, including the on-going challenge of finding time to write in today’s busy world. To listen to a podcast of Mary Allen talking about making time to write, click here.

Click this link to hear a podcast of Mary Allen talking about writing as a spiritual practice, as well as giving examples and ideas on how beginning writers can nurture and cultivate their gifts.

Click here for a talk Mary Allen gave on maintaining peace, confidence, and inner balance during the editing process, Edit Like a Zen Master, delivered at the University of Iowa Summer Writing Festival.

For more about Mary Allen’s writing coaching visit www.iowawritingcoach.com.